Noisy Tenant Wiki
Grinding Chuck
Bioform: Meat grinder
Native zone: Burgrr Inc.
Residence: Burgrr Inc.
Occupation: Meat grinder, mascot

Chuck is a sentient meat-grinder who works for Burgrr Inc..


A living meat grinder, Grinding Chuck is one of the main "faces" and employees at Burgrr Inc., along with Harmburger and BBQ Girll.

His first appearance was on, where he's depicted as a friendly cartoon meat grinder with friendly eyes and a white-gloved hand where the crank would be. Chuck makes an appearance in the second-to-last chapter of the Burgrr story, where he appears in his "true" form. This manifestation is over fifteen feet tall with a skeletal, metallic body covered in rust and blood and massive, unblinking eyes with pinprick pupils. Each leg ends with two long claws, and the the intake chute is lined with a circular array of jagged teeth. His crank arm is also skeletal in appearence, though his hand is still a three-fingered, Mickey Mouse-like glove.

He is shown grabbing meaties and shoving them in his intake valve, grinding them all up and creating a massive second arm made of meat and bone chunks, which he uses to grab the main character and smother him in meat before making him blacking out.

The manifestation of Chuck that appeared in Awful Hospital during the "Sloppy Joe" arc was even larger, but remained stationary within the Burgrr factory, where he makes their signature Sloppy Joe. Sometime before this arc, he'd become infected with a glumdroodler from grinding up some infected meat. Fern obtained the necessary parts to create a deverberator, at the request of BBQ Girll, so that Chuck could make the Sloppy Joe for her. Unfortunately, Fern's body soon became an ingredient in said Joe, thanks to Girll.

First Appearance[]

On the Burgrr website (currently down and archived) and its story.

Behind the Scenes[]

According to the author, "He can be whatever size at any time, so he can grind anything that needs to be grinded." and "He can probably be human-sized if he wants too." [sic]

