Noisy Tenant Wiki
Other names: Goofy Worm, Goofy Looking Worm
Bioform: Worm
Native zone: N/A
Residence: The Hospital

A cartoonishly goofy worm.


A worm with pink skin, a pair of boneless arms, blue eyes, a goofy grin and a long nose. It bleeds purple blood. Its teeth are all molar-like and its biting move, called Mega Molar, takes out half of the target's HP. The tail is also used as a regular attack, in a whip-like fashion. There's also a blue boil on its back which is its weak point. It vocalizes using only variations of "UH-HYUK". Can't be reasoned with.

The Goofworm was encountered by Fern when she was looking for Willis and Eyeslob and found the three in the B Ward section of The Hospital's Maternity Ward. The worm has holding a stolen Egglet which the party struggled getting back. At one point during the battle it eventually swallows the Egglet. When it reached 1HP and was about to be defeated, the Goofworm exploded as a dolphin erupted from within. This parasitoid dolphin was inserted into the worm at some point in the past by its mother, the insertion point actually becoming the blue boil. This turned out to be a strategy to get past the Hospital's dolphin filters, as these are one of the very last things to break down completely and worm filters are one of the first things to go down when a zone is degenerating.

First Appearance[]

In Awful Hospital.


  • LVL: 15
  • HP: 22
  • Moves: Mega Molar, Worm Whip


  • The Mega Molar moves is a reference to a Pokemon move called Super Fang, which has the same functionality.

